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Translating with JavaScript

You can translate the chat widget to any language you want. You can also customize the text to fit your brand's tone and style.

window.screetsxi = {
  appid: "APP_ID",
  str: {
    // header
    'header.title': 'Contact {siteName}',
    'header.hiUser': 'Hello {name}',
    'header.askUs': 'Ask our team',
    'header.replyTime': ' We typically reply in {time}',

    // ... see below for full translation example

Full translation example:

window.screetsxi = {
  appid: "APP_ID",

  str: {
    // header
    'header.title': 'Contact {siteName}',
    'header.hiUser': 'Hello {name}',
    'header.askUs': 'Ask our team',
    'header.replyTime': ' We typically reply in {time}',

    // topic
    'topic.sel': 'Select a topic',

    // actions
    'act.chatNow': 'Chat now',
    'act.endNow': 'End chat',
    'act.ok': 'Okay',
    'act.noThx': 'No thanks',
    'act.ntfMe': 'Notify me',
    'act.sendMsg': 'Send message',
    // chat
    'chat.cno': 'Case number',
    '': 'New chat',
    'chat.newMsg': '{name} sent you a message',
    'chat.waitingHeader': "We'll connect you to an advisor.",
    'chat.connectedHeader': "You're connected with {opName}.",
    '': 'Available',
    'chat.ended': 'This chat ended',

    // pre-chat
    'prechat.title': 'We\'ll connect you to an expert.',
    'prechat.agree': 'I agree to have my personal data processed by {companyName} for chat support.',

    // chats
    'cnvs._': 'Chat | Chats',

    // collector card
    'bots.askContact.s1': 'We typically reply in {time}',
    'bots.askContact.s2': 'Give the team a way to reach you:',
    'bots.askContact.s3': 'Get notified by email',
    'bots.askContact.done1': "You'll be notified here and by email.",

    // inbox
    'inbox.empty': 'No chats found.',

    // notifications
    'ntf.seen': 'Seen',
    'ntf.sending': 'Sending',
    'ntf.sent': 'Sent',
    'ntf.sentSuccess': 'sentSuccess',
    'ntf.uploading': 'File is uploading. Please wait...',
    'ntf.askAudioPerm': 'We\'d like to send you audio notifications during this chat. If you choose to receive audio notifications, make sure your speaker volume is turned up.',
    'ntf.sureEndChat': 'Are you sure you want to end this chat?',

    // errors
    '': 'Something went wrong! Please try again',
    'err.reqField': 'Field is required',
    'err.invEmail': 'Email is invalid',
    'err.invTel': 'Phone number is invalid',
    'err.uplFail': 'Unable to upload file',

    // offline form
    'offline.desc': "We aren't online at the moment, but leave your questions and your email here and we'll get back to you, asap.",
    'offline.yourMsg': 'Your message',
    'offline.summary': 'Summary',
    'offline.summaryHint': 'In a few words, tell us what your enquiry is about',
    'offline.msg': 'Provide a detailed description',

    // profile fields
    '': 'Your name',
    '': 'Email',
    'profile.emailNew': 'Enter your email',
    'profile.emailHint': 'We will contact you from this email if you aren\'t online',
    '': 'Phone',
    'profile.telNew': 'Your phone number',
    'profile.telHint': 'i.e. +1 (541) 754 3010',

    // privacy
    'privacy.formFootNote': 'This form collects submitted data so that we can correspond with you.',

    // composer (reply)
    '': 'Enter your message...',
    'reply.phWelc': 'Tell us what your enquiry is about',

    // general
    '': 'You',
    'general.optional': 'Optional',

    // response time
    'rts._': 'Replies in {time}',
    'rts.m': 'a minute',
    '': 'a few minutes',
    'rts.h': 'an hour',
    'rts.d': 'a day',
    'rts.ds': 'a few days',
    'rts.dx': '{day} days',
    '': '1 business day',
    'rts.bdx': '{day} business days',

    // data & time
    'time.future': 'in %s',
    'time.past': '%s',
    'time.s': 'Just now',
    'time.m': '1m ago',
    '': '%dm ago',
    'time.h': '1h ago',
    'time.hh': '%dh ago',
    'time.d': '1d ago',
    'time.dd': '%dd ago',
    'time.M': '1m ago',
    'time.MM': '%dm ago',
    'time.y': '1y ago',
    'time.yy': '%dy ago',